Photo Credit: Elenathewise /
9. Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale)
Dandelion root is a versatile bitter herb that aids the entire gastrointestinal tract. It helps enhance the health of the liver, which produces bile essential for proper functioning of the digestive tract. Dandelion root helps to prevent constipation.
Dandelion may cause allergic reactions in individuals who are allergic to ray flowers such as daisies.
The root may be prepared as a decoction. Make an herbal decoction by placing one teaspoon of root in a pot with one cup of water. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes, strain out the herb, and drink the tea. The tea may be consumed three times each day.
If using a dandelion root tincture, take 3-5mls of a 1:5 tincture three times daily. Be sure that you use dandelion root. The medicinal properties of dandelion leaves are not the same as those provided by the roots. You may want to harvest wild dandelion roots or grow some. They are an easy-to-grow wild plant.
There aren't many controlled studies on exercise for IBS, but there’s a good deal of evidence to suggest that activity can change things for the better.