Photo Credit: ariwasabi /
Generally speaking, you should choose more often clean, homemade foods and limit the consumption of processed foods. It is important what you eat, but how you eat as well. Avoid eating quickly, or when tired and/or stressed. Chew your food well, and enjoy your meals with family, in a calm, relaxed environment. Pay attention to your plate, and avoid eating when you watch TV or talk on the phone.
Low FODMAP diets suggest a low consumption of wheat or other gluten based grains, not a complete elimination of them. However, you could also try to eat 100% gluten free for a few weeks, and see if you notice further improvements. Some people with IBS experience significant benefits from a gluten free diet.
Besides paying attention to FODMAP content of foods, you should also keep a food journal, as you may be sensitive to other foods. Write down what you eat every day and how your symptoms respond.
Read more about finding the best foods for IBS over at NewLifeOutlook.
Irritable bowel syndrome medication has been known to help with symptoms of IBS. Here you will discover the different types and how they work.